26Jun 2019
Computer Awareness Program
Singer Bangladesh Limited' would like to conduct a 'Computer Awareness Program' to foster innovation as a sustainable solution for the citizen-centric problems of Bangladesh at Metropolitan University Sylhet Bangladesh Date...
01May 2019
Walton Job Fair
Walton Job Fair will be held in Metropolitan University on th May Interested candidates are requested to attend the event on the following schedule Date - - to - -...
30Mar 2019
Seminar on ?The Impact of Wireless Technology?
The CSE Society is going to organize a seminar entitled The Impact of Wireless Technology on the following schedule Date rd April Time am Place Professor M Habibur Rahman Library...
29Mar 2019
MU Blood Donation Camp 2019
With a holy cause Metropolitan University Social Services Club MUSSC is going to arrange a blood donation camp on the following schedule Date st March Time AM to PM MUSSC...
21Nov 2018
National Conference on Rule of Law and Good Governance on 2nd March 2019
One of the main goals of a University is to create new knowledge through different types of teaching-learning activities nbsp nbsp...
17Nov 2018
"Diplomatic Adda" by MUMUNA
Metropolitan University Model United Nations Association MUMUNA is going to arrange a diplomatic discussion on Sustainable Policies for Rohingya Crisis on the following schedule Date nd November Time AM Registration...
11Nov 2018
Seminar on Symbiosis of Text and Music in Rabindranath Tagore?s Gitanjali
A seminar titled Symbiosis of Text and Music in Rabindranath Tagore s Gitanjali will be held on following schedule Date November Thursday Time pm Venue Conference Room of the Permanent...
07Nov 2018
International Accounting Day 2018
Department of Business Administration Metropolitan University is going to observe International Accounting Day on th November...
07Oct 2018
Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT)
CSE Society Metropolitan University and Bangladesh Open Source Network BdOSN is going to arrange a workshop on Internet of Things IoT The Schedule of the programme is below Event Schedule...
04Oct 2018
League M (Season 4) Final Match
The final match of League M Season is going to be held on the following schedule Event Schedule Date th October Time pm Venue Metropolitan University Permanent Campus Bateshwar Sylhet...